
Am I a Red Piller?

Recently someone asked me how I am affiliated with the Red Pill movement. Baffled by this question, my answer was, “I am not.” After a short exchange, I understand how the idea might arise that I am part of the movement, and I want to address that here shortly, so people who want to find out may find it via google or looking at my website. This is not a topic that bothers me a lot, but I’d like to give people an easy way to find out.

What is the Red Pill movement?

The Red Pill movement is a group of individuals who espouse various beliefs and ideas, many of which are controversial or considered fringe. Many people who identify with the red pill movement believe in traditional gender roles and consider feminism harmful to society. Other vital topics within that community are the research of conspiracy theories and sometimes controversial views on race or ethnicity.

It’s important to note that the Red Pill movement is not a homogenous group, and the beliefs and views of its members, which is already a stretch to consider them as members, can vary widely. Some people who identify with the movement hold more extreme or controversial views, while others have more moderate or mainstream viewpoints. While the majority of Red Pillers are men, some women also identify as Red Pill; most of them consider themselves traditional women and argue that women are brainwashed into not pursuing family life, which ultimately leads to unhappiness when women are past their prime and can’t find a suitable partner anymore.

The Red Pill is generally considered to be on the right side of the political spectrum and the left is pushing hard to put it into the far right corner.

The origins of the red pill as a symbol

The term “red pill” comes from the science fiction movie “The Matrix,” in which Neo, the main character, is offered a choice between taking a red pill and a blue pill by Morpheus. The red pill would allow him to see the world as it really is, while the blue pill would allow him to continue living in ignorance. I already wrote about another idea from the movie in the Matrix Metaphor.

The symbol of the red pill is far older than the Red Pill movement and stands for the effort of trying to see the world as it really is, instead of how we perceive it through our conditioning or even how we wish it to be. It symbolises the search for the truth, even if it is difficult or unpleasant. Since its inception, the red pill has been associated with “waking up,” which is an even older concept that can be found in many spiritual practices and philosophies – with stoicism being the most prominent one.

There are some really controversial topics in the community, that also lead to its massive presence on social media. Check them out below.

The controversy

Within the Red Pill community, many topics are not aligned with the current climate of political correctness and some ideas are perceived as backwards oriented. Therefore the community has a bad reputation in many places.

The most prominent example is Gender Roles: The big topic that blew up the presence of the movement on social media channels is the relationship between women and men. They point out that women prefer men that fill a traditionally male role, meaning being a provider and protector, while they themselves don’t want to fill the role of traditional women.

The solution that the men in the community propagate is to focus on becoming a high-value man (high-income, healthy, and experienced) with enough options to pick the woman he wants. The most significant controversy is that many Red Pillers point out that a man who built himself into that high-value man will probably not pick a career woman, a woman who slept with many men or a woman beyond her prime years when looking for a wife. This stance is considered misogynistic and oppressive of women, despite making sense on a biological and psychological level.

This controversy and others are used on purpose to generate hype on social media as both sides of the argument have enough ammunition to use. The discussion usually only scratches the surface and doesn’t reach the necessary depth to reach deeper insights.

FraGue and the Red Pill

So what is it with me and the red pill? I love to use it as the symbol it is in the original movie. I try to live my life based on reality and truth, not wishful thinking. Seeing the world as it is, is imperative to assess your situation and map out the course into the future you desire. Misjudging your actual situation will make it impossible (or at least very hard) to define the steps that lead to your goals. I often refer to this mindset as brutal honesty.

So whenever I refer to the red pill or recommend someone to take it, I suggest finding a more realistic view of the world instead of projecting wishes or dreams onto reality. Having these dreams and wishes is the right thing to do, but knowing we are most likely not there yet, is the difference between someone who took the pill and those who didn’t.

I neither support nor renounce the Red Pill movement as I am aware that within this movement, there is light and shadow, as everywhere else. I am not affiliated with the movement in any way.


The Matrix Metaphor

The movie “Matrix” from 1999 is referenced daily to describe moments where people are aware of or unaware of different situations. We use the Matrix Metaphor to state that some newly gained knowledge changes the way we think or radically perceive our surroundings.

Typical moments of insights in a dance career are:

  1. The connection to the music is more profound than the regular drumbeat.
  2. There is something like the quality of movement.
  3. It’s seriously interesting if people come up with their own creative moves.
  4. That music is telling a story.
  5. Some dancers tell stories with their dance.
  6. You can dance to multiple instruments at the same time.
  7. I must learn and master everything.
  8. (years later) I don’t.

Of course, everyone has personal insights that transform his way of thinking.

In the dance field (and I guess in all arts), I feel the tendency that we want to consume the work of people that explore the same topics as we do. Another side of the matrix is that things, once understood, can’t be unseen.

You know… I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know when I put it in my mouth; the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy, and delicious. After nine years… you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.

―Cypher justifying his decision to betray his friends and re-enter the Matrix.

This means that we might perceive the dance of others who did not experience the same insights as we did as immature and unformed. And the more we learn about dancing, the more we take for granted and postulate it has to be a certain way. We neglect that others are on a different point in their development or maybe even on a different path.

This is one reason why many experienced dancers state that they are bored with events. The longer you are in the scene, the more you have seen and the further you move away from the average level of knowledge.

What we sometimes don’t think about is that the dancer we see might explore an aspect of the dance that is beyond our comprehension. So, let’s not be too quick to judge.

This article is a translation (and slight rework) of an old text that was originally in German. Comments might reflect that.

blog mindset

No common ground: the hidden issue with values in society

When we look around in our social circles, around our friends and even in families, many of us perceive that we are divided on multiple fronts and often seem to have no common ground, even with people we once were close to. This gets even more obvious when we see there is more and more activism, as people try to support or spread their values. The issue, in my opinion, is that those values are so manifold and diverse as if they were just opinions.

How do we want to live our lives?

What is this all about? What should be the fundamentals of our social structures and our communities? What should be the rules we live by? The diverse answers to these questions reveal a missing understanding of the complex interrelations beneath our society’s surface and deep insecurities.

The answers reach from the classics, like freedom or safety, over equality or equity, to more trendy answers, like diversity and sustainability. Sounds like we have our values there. But sadly, this is not the case.

A thousand tongues: different meanings of the same words

We mean different things while using the same words. My understanding of freedom may differ from the next person’s. For one of us, freedom might be the state of being able to do what she wants. For another, it can just be that he is not imprisoned. Often we hear, “your freedom ends where mine begins.” Depending on our understanding of freedom, this can resonate with us or make absolutely no sense.

Equality is another hot topic. Do we talk about equal chances or equal results? Do we consider it problematic when the free choices of individuals lead to inequality? If so, do we want to regulate people – means take away their free decision – into doing things they disagree with to reach a state of equality?

Already these different interpretations of the same terms make reaching consent on related topics challenging, but there is more trouble along the road.

The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.

George Carlin

Double standards: inconsistency in applying so-called values

Besides having different values and not being able to reach consent on what they actually represent, we have a considerable amount of people who only apply their so-called values in some circumstances – meaning only when it suits their own bias. There are many examples, with the most prominent one being supportive of “my body, my choice” when it comes to abortions but not when talking about vaccine mandates.

When we assume that the decision for physical autonomy is based on moral values and not something else, it has to apply in both or neither case. Of course, these discussions are far deeper, faceted and not necessarily connected but pretending “my body, my choice” needs to be holy and agreeing on mandating a vaccine to someone does not go along. In that case, finding another foundation for those choices would make more sense.

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.


But why?

I assume the reasons for that are based on the diversity of leadership and information. Nowadays, everyone has a chance to find role models and information on many different platforms and places. Back in the days, education, thoughts and opinions were regionally consistent. When most people were religious – not only on paper – the core values of that religion were generally agreed upon. Opinion leaders would influence a group of people exposed to them – but limited to those in their surroundings.

Today the same processes apply, but the sources are diverse. Your parents might be only religious on paper, but you are attending religious education in school, and your friends are becoming engineers and think logic is the only way. You learn about generational tyranny based on race, gender and religion on social media or in your social circles. So your personal view of the world might be very different from the person beside you.

There is no general difference in how we form our opinion to back in the days as our opinion and worldview still reflect the worldview of the people we spend the most time with. But today, we can pick anybody to be a part of the people who influence our thoughts and beliefs. And no matter if we pick people around us or strangers on social media, sometimes it is for the better and sometimes for the worse.

Finding out if you are in a good spot is no easy task. Regularly trying to understand people who disagree and checking if your answers to them would make sense, with brutal honesty, is a good start to avoid becoming part of an army of brainless zombies that simply repeat what they hear from others instead of using their own brains.

blog mindset

Messy beginnings: Be brave and early

“Messy beginnings:” Doing something that has never been done, or at least has never been done in a specific context. Infrastructure is missing, issues are fixed with patches and bandages. The result is a patchwork from a few or many enthusiastic people that work towards a common goal.

Different people bring different experiences and different opinions, which often leads to disagreements on how to do things. That is the hard part of being first in a new space. But it is also the beauty of the process. Different brains on the same topic, give the option to do things better than in streamlined environments, where we have a “correct” way of doing things.

Working in a new, messy environment gives us room for innovation. That is what’s happening right now with Breaking at Olympia. It is also what is happening with NFTs. Both are messy beginnings and have massive potential to change breaking and business with breaking forever.

Don’t ignore things, just because they are messy. Innovation always is.